[2017-01-21] Loh Yi Pei's Barter Project: SharingEvent

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《Loh Yi Pei’s Barter Project:SharingEvent 》

Sharing&Report of Yi Pei’s Barter Project by the artist and the participants taking place at co-iki(Sengawa,Tokyo) on January 21st saturday from 17:00 to around 19:00.
it will be a farewell gathering at the same time as Yi Pei is leaving soon after on Jan 23rd.
Anybody interested can join!!

Date: January 21st,saturday,17:00-19:00 around
Place: co・iki (Sengawa,Tokyo)
Entrance fee : 2000 yen including nice Malaysian Satey&1 drink! Welcomed to bring any drinks if you drink more!
Contact&Reservation: Please e-mail us for your participation and then we will send the details and the map to the venue.

Yi Pei’s New Works which you can exchage


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