Junko Shimura 2019/2/20-3/6

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Junko Shimura / Scientist

Dr Junko Shimura has served the United Nations Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity overseeing the programmes on taxonomy and invasive alien species.  Prior to joining the UN secretariat, she was a senior scientist at the National Institute for Environmental Studies and Riken Institute in Japan, worked on microbial collections and bioinformatics. Currently, she coordinates inter-agency collaborations among the international regulatory bodies to set a normative on live organisms’ trade and transport to manage invasive alien species which are the major threats to biodiversity. She also facilitates international collaboration in biodiversity sciences for capacity development in developing countries, envisioning the post-2020 biodiversity framework to be evidence based and in participatory manner from all relevant communities.

Junko is exploring how human can develop their knowledge and make better places ,countries and communities on both local and global scales.

Her interest in art and in the process of its creation is very unique and she is open to any radical,creative and inspiring conversations with artists/creators during her short residency in Co-iki this time.


>> Related video by Junko Shimura
